Éric Leclercq

Professeur en informatique - Laboratoire d'Informatique de l'Université de Bourgogne (LIB - EA 7534)

Chapitres dans des ouvrages spécialisés ou de vulgarisation

Télécharger le liste complète au format BibTeX.

SetBibliographyStyle($this->GetDefaultStyle()); $this->SetBibliographyOrder($this->GetDefaultOrder()); if($num_args > 0) $this->ParseFiles($args); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Get/Set ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // bib-style = numeric cite(..) [1,2] // citet(..) Vreeken & van Leeuwen [1]; Vreeken et al. [2] // = abbrv [VvL12,VvlS07] // Vreeken & van Leeuwen [VvL12]; Vreeken et al. [VvlS07] // = natbib (Vreeken & van Leeuwen, 2012); (Vreeken et al., 2007) // Vreeken & van Leeuwen (2012); Vreeken et al. (2007) function SetBibliographyStyle($style) { if($style == 'abbrv') { $this->refPrinter = new AbbrvPrinter(); } else if($style == 'natbib') { $this->refPrinter = new NatbibPrinter(); } else if($style == 'numeric') { $this->refPrinter = new NumericPrinter(); } else die('unknown style'); } function GetDefaultStyle() { return 'numeric'; } // bib-order = alphabetic // = usage function SetBibliographyOrder($order) { if($order == 'alphabetic') { $order = array('author' => 'asc', 'year' => 'asc', 'title' => 'asc', 'usage' => 'asc'); } else if(is_string($order)) { $pu = strpos($order, '_'); $fd = ($pu != false ? substr($order, 0, $pu) : $order); $sd = ($pu != false ? substr($order, $pu+1) : 'asc'); // default to ascending $order = array($fd => $sd); } // normalize 'asc' to 'a', and 'desc' to 'd' foreach($order as $f => $d) if($d == 'asc') $order[$f] = 'a'; else if($d == 'desc') $order[$f] = 'd'; $this->order = $order; } // 'asc' or 'a' for ascending (default), 'desc' or 'd' for descending function GetDefaultOrder() { return array('usage' => 'asc', 'author' => 'asc', 'year' => 'asc', 'title' => 'asc'); } // sets the base directory from which pdfs -- as identified using paperurl = {..} keys -- will have be retrieved function SetPaperDirectory($dir) { $this->refPrinter->SetPaperDirectory($dir); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Load Citation Database ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function ParseFiles($files) { foreach($files as $file) { if(is_string($file)) { $fname = ( stripos($file, ".bib")!=false ? $file : $file . '.bib' ); if(file_exists($fname)) { $this->Parse( $fname ); } } } } function Parse($pathname) { $file = file($pathname); $rawblock = ''; $inblock = false; foreach($file as $line) { $line = str_replace('\\textsc','', $line); $line = str_replace('\\textit','', $line); $pattern = "/\\$(.*)\\$/i"; $replacement = '${1}'; $line = preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $line); $pattern = "/\{\\\'(\w+)\}/"; $replacement = '&${1}acute;'; // for: á $line = preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $line); $pattern = "/\\\'\{(\w+)\}/"; $line = preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $line); $pattern = "/\{\\\`(\w+)\}/"; $replacement = '&${1}grave;'; // for: à $line = preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $line); $pattern = "/\{\\\^(\w+)\}/"; $replacement = '&${1}circ;'; // for: â -- needs to be re-checked, somehow, doesnt always work (jv, 2015-11-12) $line = preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $line); $pattern = '/\{\\\"(\w+)\}/'; $replacement = '&${1}uml;'; // for: ü $line = preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $line); $pattern = '/\\\"\{[\\\]?(\w+)\}/'; $line = preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $line); $replacement = 'ç'; // for: ç $line = str_replace('\cc', $replacement, $line); $line = preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $line); $pattern = '/\\\c\{c\}/'; $line = preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $line); $pattern = '/\{\\\noopsort\{\w+\}\}/'; $line = preg_replace($pattern, '', $line); $pattern = '/=\s*"/'; $line = preg_replace($pattern, '= {', $line); $line = str_replace('"','}', $line); $line = str_replace('\\delta','δ', $line); $line = str_replace('$','', $line); $seg = $line; // check if starts with @ ... $segT = trim($seg); if(strlen($segT) > 0 && $segT[0] == '}') { $rawblock .= ' '.trim(substr($seg,0,strpos($seg,'%%') == false ? strlen($seg) : strpos($seg,'%%')), " \n\r"); $this->ParseEntry($rawblock); $rawblock = ''; $inblock = false; } else if(strlen($segT) > 0 && $segT[0] == '@') { // starts something new $this->ParseEntry($rawblock); $rawblock = ''; $inblock = true; } $pc = strpos($seg,'%%') == false ? strlen($seg) : strpos($seg,'%%'); if($inblock === true) $rawblock .= ' '.trim(substr($seg,0,$pc), " \n\r"); } if($rawblock != '') $this->ParseEntry($rawblock); } function ParseEntry($rb) { $rb = trim($rb); if($rb == '') return; $entry = array(); $pa = strpos($rb, '{'); // old //$pc = strpos($rb, ',') === false ? strlen($rb) : strpos($rb, ','); //$ps = strpos($rb, ' ') === false ? strlen($rb) : strpos($rb, ' '); //$pz = min($pc,$ps); // new $pz = strpos($rb, ',') === false ? strlen($rb) : strpos($rb, ','); if($pa == false) { return; } $entry['type'] = strtolower(substr($rb, 1, $pa-1)); if($entry['type'] == 'preamble') return; $entry['key'] = Bibtex::NormalizeKey(substr($rb, $pa+1, $pz-$pa-1)); $rb = substr($rb, $pz+1, -1); $rawfields = array(); if($entry['type'] == 'string') { $rb = 'val ' . $rb; } $start = 0; $nest = 0; for($i=0; $i < strlen($rb); $i++) { if($rb[$i] == ',' && $nest == 0) { // lets see if its a reference (brute hack, this!) (2014-10-03 by JV) $lb = trim(substr($rb, $start, $i-$start)); $pe = strpos($lb, '= '); if($pe != false && $this->HasEntry(trim(substr($lb, $pe+2)))) { $entr = $this->GetEntry(trim(substr($lb, $pe+2))); $nr = substr($lb, 0, $pe) . '= {' . $entr['val'] . "}"; $rb = substr($rb, 0, $start+1) . $nr . substr($rb, $i); $i = $start; } else $start = $i+1; } if($rb[$i] == '{' || ($rb[$i] == '"' && ($i+1 < strlen($rb) && ($rb[$i+1] != ',' && $rb[$i+1] != "\n")))) { $nest++; } else if($rb[$i] == '}' || ($rb[$i] == '"' && ( ($i+1 < strlen($rb) && ($rb[$i+1] == ',' || $rb[$i+1] == "\n" || $rb[$i+1] == "\r"))) || ($i+1==strlen($rb))) ) { $nest--; if($nest == 0) { $rawfields[] = trim(substr($rb, $start, $i-$start+1)); $start = $i+1; } } } foreach($rawfields as $field) { $fieldname = strtolower(trim(substr($field, 0, strpos($field, '=')))); $fieldval = substr(trim(substr($field, strpos($field, '=')+1)),1,-1); $entry[$fieldname] = $fieldval; } // pre-handle author array if(isset($entry['author'])) { $entry['author'] = Bibtex::NormalizeAuthorStr($entry['author']); } // pre-handle editor array if(isset($entry['editor'])) { $entry['editor'] = Bibtex::NormalizeAuthorStr($entry['editor']); } // pre-handle pagefrom/to if(isset($entry['pages'])) { $pattern = '/^([0-9]+)[^0-9]+([0-9]+)$/'; if(preg_match($pattern, $entry['pages'], $match)) $entry['pages'] = $match[1] . '-' . $match[2]; } // pre-handle booktitle if(isset($entry['booktitle'])) { $entry['booktitle'] = str_replace('{','', str_replace('}','',str_replace('`', '\'', $entry['booktitle']))); } // filter out {'s foreach($entry as $field => $val) { $val = str_replace('{', '', $val); $val = str_replace('}', '', $val); $entry[$field] = $val; } $this->bibarr[$entry['key']] = $entry; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Helper-methods ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function NormalizeKey($key) { // old //return str_replace('/', '_', str_replace(':', '_', trim($key))); // new return str_replace("/: \r\n\t",'__',$key); } function NormalizeAuthorStr($authorstr) { $aarr = explode(' and ', $authorstr); $aarr = array_map('trim', $aarr); for($i=0; $i < count($aarr); $i++) { if(strpos($aarr[$i], ',') == false) { // no first/lastname indicator, let's do that ourselves $pa = strpos($aarr[$i], '{') != false && (strpos($aarr[$i],'{') == 0 || $aarr[$i][strpos($aarr[$i],'{')-1] == ' ' || $aarr[$i][strpos($aarr[$i],'{')-1] == '.') ? strpos($aarr[$i], '{') : false; $pl = ($pa == true) ? strpos($aarr[$i], '{') : strrpos($aarr[$i], ' '); $lastname = trim(substr($aarr[$i], $pl+1, ($pa && strpos($aarr[$i], '}', $pl) != false ? strpos($aarr[$i], '}', $pl) - $pl : strlen($aarr[$i])-$pl)-1) ); $firstname = trim(substr($aarr[$i], 0, $pl)); $fn = explode(' ', str_replace('.', '', str_replace('-', ' ', $firstname))); $fn2 = ''; for($j=0; $j < count($fn); $j++) { if(strlen($fn[$j]) > 0) $fn2 .= $fn[$j][0] . '.'; } $aarr[$i] = $lastname . ', ' . $fn2; } else { $na = explode(',', $aarr[$i]); $fn = explode(' ', str_replace('.', '', str_replace('-', ' ', trim($na[1])))); $fn2 = ''; for($j=0; $j < count($fn); $j++) { if(strlen($fn[$j]) > 0) $fn2 .= $fn[$j][0] . '.'; } $aarr[$i] = $na[0] . ', ' . $fn2; } } return implode(' and ', $aarr); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Save Citation Database ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ...later... ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Interact with Citation Database ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Impl for BibArray function HasEntry($key) { $key = Bibtex::NormalizeKey($key); return isset($this->bibarr[$key]); } function GetEntry($key) { $key = Bibtex::NormalizeKey($key); return isset($this->bibarr[$key]) ? $this->bibarr[$key] : false; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Cite-variants, for in-line selection of entries ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function Citep() { $args = func_get_args(); CiteRefs('p', $args); } function Citet() { $args = func_get_args(); CiteRefs('t', $args); } function CiteRefs($style, $args) { $style = $style == 't' ? 't' : 'p'; $num_args = count($args); for($i=0; $i < $num_args; $i++) { if(is_object($args[$i])) continue; if(!isset($this->used[$args[$i]])) { $entry = $this->GetEntry($args[$i]); if($entry === false) { $this->used[$args[$i]] = array('key' => $args[$i], 'ref' => false, 'cited' => true, 'selected' => false, 'entry' => $entry); } else { $this->used[$args[$i]] = array('key' => $args[$i], 'ref' => $this->usedCnt, 'usg' => $this->usedCnt++, 'cited' => true, 'selected' => false, 'entry' => $entry); } } } if($this->scanning === false) { echo $this->refPrinter->StartCiteStr(); echo ($style == 'p') ? $this->refPrinter->StartListStr() : ''; for($i=0; $i < $num_args-1; $i++) { $entry = $this->GetEntry($args[$i]); $usage = $this->used[$args[$i]]; echo ($style == 'p') ? $this->refPrinter->ListRefStr($entry, $usage) : $this->refPrinter->TextualRefStr($entry, $usage); echo $this->refPrinter->SepListStr(); } $entry = $this->GetEntry($args[$num_args-1]); $usage = $this->used[$args[$num_args-1]]; echo ($style == 'p') ? $this->refPrinter->ListRefStr($entry, $usage) : $this->refPrinter->TextualRefStr($entry, $usage); echo ($style == 'p') ? $this->refPrinter->EndListStr() : ''; echo $this->refPrinter->EndCiteStr(); } } function UnCite() { $args = func_get_args(); $num_args = count($args); $biboff = 0; $bibarr = ($num_args > $biboff && is_array($args[$biboff]) ? true : false); $bibargs = ($bibarr == true ? $args[$biboff] : array_slice($args, $biboff)); $numbibs = count($bibargs); for($i=0; $i < $numbibs; $i++) { if(!isset($this->used[$bibargs[$i]])) { //echo 'This should not have happened.'; continue; } $this->used[$bibargs[$i]]['cited'] = false; } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Pre-scanning of Cites, required for non-usage Bibliography orders ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function IncludeBibContent($pathname, $bib = false) { if($bib != false) eval ('global '.$bib.';'); Bibtex::ScanContentForCites($pathname, $bib); include $pathname; } function ScanContentForCites($pathname, $bib) { if($bib != false) eval ('global '.$bib.';'); $this->ResetBibliography(); $this->scanning = true; ob_start(); include $pathname; ob_end_clean(); $this->OrderBibliography(); $this->scanning = false; $this->scanned = true; } function ResetBibliography() { $this->scanning = false; $this->scanned = false; $this->used = array(); $this->usedCnt = 0; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Order Bibliography ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // impl for Bibarray function OrderBibliography() { if(is_string($this->order)) // this shouldn't happen, don't set order yourself. SetBibliographyOrder($this->order); if(!is_array($this->order)) { // this definitely shouldn't happen echo "Error ordering bibliography: incorrect order specified"; return; } $order = $this->order; // only order on usage, already added in right order, so nothing to order! if(count($order) == 1 && isset($order['usage']) && $order['usage'] == 'a' && $this->scanned == false) { return; } $arr = array(); $numCited = 0; $numSelected = 0; $numCitedAndSelected = 0; foreach($this->used as $key => $val) { if($val['ref'] === false) continue; else { $arr[] = $key; $numSelected += $val['selected'] == true ? 1 : 0; $numCited += $val['cited'] == true ? 1 : 0; $numCitedAndSelected += $val['cited'] == true && $val['selected'] == true ? 1 : 0; } } // for each entry $i to be in reference list for($i=0; $i< count($arr)-1; $i++) { // for each other entry $j for($j=$i+1; $j< count($arr); $j++) { // check whether $i < $j $k = $this->CmpRefs($this->used[$arr[$i]], $this->used[$arr[$j]]); if($k == 1) { $tmp = $arr[$j]; $arr[$j] = $arr[$i]; $arr[$i] = $tmp; } } } $c = 0; $newUsed = array(); foreach($arr as $a) { $newUsed[$a] = $this->used[$a]; $newUsed[$a]['ref'] = $c++; } foreach($this->used as $k => $v) { if($this->used[$k]['ref'] === false) $newUsed[$k] = $this->used[$k]; } $this->used = $newUsed; } function CmpRefs($i, $j) { $order = $this->order; $k = 0; foreach($order as $f => $d) { if($f == 'usage') { $k = Bibtex::CmpVal($i['usg'], $j['usg'], $d); } else if($f == 'cited') { $k = Bibtex::CmpVal($i['cited'],$j['cited'],$d); } else { $a = $i['entry']; $b = $j['entry']; if(($a === false && $b !== false) || ($a !== false && $b !== false && (!isset($a[$f]) || $a[$f] === NULL) && (isset($b[$f]) && $b[$f] !== NULL))) return -1; else if(($a !== false && $b === false) || ($a !== false && $b !== false && (isset($a[$f]) && $a[$f] !== NULL) && (!isset($b[$f]) || $b[$f] === NULL))) return 1; else if((isset($a[$f]) && $a[$f] !== NULL) && (isset($b[$f]) && $b[$f] !== NULL)) $k = Bibtex::CmpString($a[$f], $b[$f], $d); } if($k !== 0) return $k; } return 0; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Ordering Helper-methods ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function CmpVal($a, $b, $d) { if($a < $b) return ($d == 'a' ? -1 : 1); else if ($a > $b) return ($d == 'a' ? 1 : -1); else return 0; } function CmpEntriesYear($a, $b, $d) { if($a['year'] < $b['year']) return ($d == 'a' ? -1 : 1); else if($a['year'] > $b['year']) return ($d == 'a' ? 1 : -1); else return 0; } function CmpString($a, $b, $d) { return strcmp(($d == 'a' ? strtolower($a) : strtolower($b)), ($d == 'a' ? strtolower($b) : strtolower($a))); } function CmpEntriesAuthors($a, $b, $d) { return Bibtex::CmpString($a['author'], $b['author'], $d); } function CmpEntriesTitles($a, $b, $d) { return Bibtex::CmpString($a['title'], $b['title'], $d); } function CmpEntriesCited($a, $b, $d) { if($a['sel'] == true && $b['sel'] == true) return 0; else if($s['sel'] == true) return ($d == 'a' ? 1 : 0); else return ($d == 'a' ? -1 : 0); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Query-based Selection ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // takes an array, where key => valye identifies the key for which the value should match what value (done through preg_match) // impl for BibArray function Select($queryArray) { if($this->scanning == true) return; foreach($this->bibarr as $entry) { $sel = true; foreach($queryArray as $field => $val) { if($field[0]>='0' && $field[0]<='9') // jv says: don't really see the point of this? $field=substr($field,1); if(is_array($val)) { $psel = false; foreach($val as $v) { if(isset($entry[$field])) { if($field == 'key') $v = Bibtex::NormalizeKey($v); if(stripos($entry[$field], $v) !== false) { $psel = true; break; } } } $sel = $psel; } else if( !isset($entry[$field]) || ($field == 'key' && $entry['key'] != Bibtex::NormalizeKey($val)) || (stripos($entry[$field], (string) $val) === false)) { $sel = false; } } if($sel == true) { $this->SelectEntry($entry['key'], $entry); } } } function SelectEntry($key, $entry = false) { if(!isset($this->used[$key])) { $this->used[$key]['ref'] = $this->usedCnt++; $this->used[$key]['selected'] = true; $this->used[$key]['cited'] = false; $this->used[$key]['entry'] = $entry; } else { $this->used[$key]['selected'] = true; $this->used[$key]['entry'] = $this->used[$key]['entry'] === false ? $entry : $this->used[$key]['entry']; } } function SelectEntries() { $args = func_get_args(); $num_args = count($args); $biboff = 0; $bibarr = ($num_args > $biboff && is_array($args[$biboff]) ? true : false); $bibargs = ($bibarr == true ? $args[$biboff] : array_slice($args, $biboff)); foreach($bibargs as $key) { $this->SelectEntry($key); } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Print Bibliography ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Prints elements in $this->used, in the order of $this->used. // If other order is desired, use SetBibliographyOrder(..) in advance. function PrintBibliography() { if($this->scanning === true) return; echo '' . "\n"; $this->OrderBibliography(); foreach($this->used as $key => $info) { if($info['ref'] === false) continue; $entry = isset($info['entry']) ? $info['entry'] : $this->GetEntry($key); echo $this->refPrinter->BibliographyEntryStr($entry, $this->used[$key]); } echo '
' . "\n"; } function PrintBibliographyCitedOnly() { if($this->scanning === true) return; echo '' . "\n"; $this->OrderBibliography(); foreach($this->used as $key => $info) { if($info['ref'] === false || (isset($info['selected']) && $info['selected'] === true) || (isset($info['cited']) && $info['cited'] === false)) { //if($info['ref'] === false || (isset($info['cited']) && $info['cited'] === false)) { continue; } $entry = isset($info['entry']) ? $info['entry'] : $this->GetEntry($key); echo $this->refPrinter->BibliographyEntryStr($entry, $this->used[$key]); } echo '
' . "\n"; } function PrintBibliographySelectedOnly() { if($this->scanning === true) return; echo '' . "\n"; $this->OrderBibliography(); foreach($this->used as $key => $info) { //if($info['ref'] === false || (isset($info['selected']) && $info['selected'] === false) || (isset($info['cited']) && $info['cited'] === true)) if($info['ref'] === false || (isset($info['selected']) && $info['selected'] === false)) continue; $entry = isset($info['entry']) ? $info['entry'] : $this->GetEntry($key); echo $this->refPrinter->BibliographyEntryStr($entry, $this->used[$key]); } echo '
' . "\n"; } } function cite() { global $Site; $num_args = func_num_args(); $args = func_get_args(); $bibarg = ($num_args > 0 && is_object($args[0]) ? true : false); $bibobj = ($bibarg == true ? $args[0] : ((isset($Site) && isset($Site['bibtex']) && is_object($Site['bibtex'])) ? $Site['bibtex'] : false)); $biboff = ($bibarg == true ? 1 : 0); $bibarr = ($num_args > $biboff && is_array($args[$biboff]) ? true : false); $bibargs = ($bibarr == true ? $args[$biboff] : array_slice($args, $biboff)); if($bibobj != false) $bibobj->CiteRefs('p', $bibargs); } function citep() { global $Site; $num_args = func_num_args(); $args = func_get_args(); $bibarg = ($num_args > 0 && is_object($args[0]) ? true : false); $bibobj = ($bibarg == true ? $args[0] : ((isset($Site) && isset($Site['bibtex']) && is_object($Site['bibtex'])) ? $Site['bibtex'] : false)); $biboff = ($bibarg == true ? 1 : 0); $bibarr = ($num_args > $biboff && is_array($args[$biboff]) ? true : false); $bibargs = ($bibarr == true ? $args[$biboff] : array_slice($args, $biboff)); if($bibobj != false) $bibobj->CiteRefs('p', $bibargs); } function citet() { global $Site; $num_args = func_num_args(); $args = func_get_args(); $bibarg = ($num_args > 0 && is_object($args[0]) ? true : false); $bibobj = ($bibarg == true ? $args[0] : ((isset($Site) && isset($Site['bibtex']) && is_object($Site['bibtex'])) ? $Site['bibtex'] : false)); $biboff = ($bibarg == true ? 1 : 0); $bibarr = ($num_args > $biboff && is_array($args[$biboff]) ? true : false); $bibargs = ($bibarr == true ? $args[$biboff] : array_slice($args, $biboff)); if($bibobj != false) $bibobj->CiteRefs('t', $bibargs); } ?>